今日係 2 日開放日之後既補假 ~~
起身 ~~ 幫媽咪去交管理費 ~~ then 搭車出灣仔 ~~
之前 promise 左今日會去搵 andrew 食 lunch ma ~~
去左大快活 ar ~~ wei...wei...又話要用筷子食飯 gei ~~
唔得 ar ~~ 快 d 返去做野 ar ~~ 我唔想你請假 wor ~~
you just want spend your time with me?? is that true??
ok ~~ ok ~~ 反正你都請左假 la ~~ 咁就去玩 la ~~
ok ~~ ok ~~ 反正你都請左假 la ~~ 咁就去玩 la ~~
去左昂平360 ar ~~ 坐左我最驚、最討厭既纜車上去大佛 ar ~~
very horrible ~~~ 我差 d 係架纜車 cry law ~~ 好彩最後都冇 ja ~~
好瘀 ar ~~ 我唔要再坐纜車 ar ~~ 我等陣要搭巴士 ar ~~
if I hurt ~~ u'll unhappy also?? 唔好再講 la~~ 我唔再聽 la ~~ ok??
don't think about you after you gone?? I really hope I can do that ~~
however ~~ I don't think I can do this now ~~
I really think that I could never forget you ~~
I am the special one?? I am amazing?? I don't believe you ~~~
haha ~~ 你第一次見到我就鍾意我??肯定你講緊大話 la ~~
you love me very much?? you don't know what I feel about you??
I also don't know what I feel about you ~~that make me crazy!!!!!
but, I know what is happy ↘ since I met you ~~ thank you ~~ ^.^ ~~
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don't you know today ~~ on the outside I'm smiling; in the inside I'm crying ~~
There' s nothing worse than losing you ~~
don't you know why I say ~~ the rain is pretty??
I love walking in to the rain because no one knows I' m crying ~~