i'm very angry right now ~~ u haven't tell me anything ~~
u just leave the paper and then u leave ~~
why ~~ i must know there have 2 types paper??
i knew that u told another person "I told her everything."
however, the true is that u just call me after mr.H call u ~~
u just told me in the call ~~ there have 2 types of paper ~~
u really a the son of the bitch ~~ u're the most cheapest person on the world ~~
u're not the first time make me undeserved ~~ bad people ~~
oh ~~ no ~~ i still have pain in my hand ~~
i can't go to the thai boxing train tonight ~~
go back home ~~ eat dinner with my mum and dad ~~
i go on MSN ~~ wait for my important person ~~
when i'm just think go off ~~ i see he online ~~ ^.^ ~~
ok ~~ u go to take ur shower ~~ i want go to sleep ~~ ^.^ ~~
wa ~~ 2:08a.m.?? who call me?? look at the phone ~~
no number show on the display ~~ i knew who are u ~~ heehee...
andrew ~~ am i right?? we just talk a little ~~
i really very tired ~~ sorry, i can't talk long ~~ >.