只適會11歲或以上人士 (only suitable for the one who over 11 years old)
必須回答所有題目 (must answer all of the questions)
(80-100:normal, 110-120:high IQ, 120-140:very highIQ, over140:talent)
hey ~~ andrew, guess how many marks ur wife got???
hehe... let me tell u that ~~ i had a very high IQ la ~~
i got 133 marks ~~ ^.^ ~~ good?? want to play this test???
i knewt htat u will said no la ~~ because u don't know chinese ~~
u can't understand the questions la ~~ >.
it show that i had made 13/33 wrong answers at around 5 mins ~~
didn't know why it show my marks very high la ~~
nevermind la ~~ the results made me so happy ~~